A Win for Everyone – How ADR Can Improve the Remote Gambling Sector

A Win for Everyone – How ADR Can Improve the Remote Gambling Sector

A discussion of how ADR is a win for all stakeholders in the gambling sector and why more regulatory authorities should look to deploy ADR policies – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/win-everyone-how-adr-can-improve-remote-gambling-sector-duncan-garvie-3tosc/?trackingId=V8XrbaUoQ4mBKGZlNErBlw%3D%3D

Under Valuing the Cost of the Gambling Black Market

Under Valuing the Cost of the Gambling Black Market

Commentary on the UK Betting and Gambling Council’s published report on the size of the UK black market, highlighting how this report likely under sells the size and damage caused by illegal gambling operators – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/under-valuing-cost-gambling-black-market-duncan-garvie-pg1gc/?trackingId=V8XrbaUoQ4mBKGZlNErBlw%3D%3D

Gambling Survey for Great Britain (GSGB) – Data Suppression is the Wrong Response

Gambling Survey for Great Britain (GSGB) – Data Suppression is the Wrong Response

An article discussing the very strong responses that were being given to the Gambling Survey for Great Britain changes, where figures suggested an increase in gambling addiction – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/gambling-survey-great-britain-gsgb-data-suppression-wrong-garvie-ts7cc/?trackingId=V8XrbaUoQ4mBKGZlNErBlw%3D%3D

Policy for Applause

Policy for Applause

An article published in early 2024 discussing regulation that’s based on the need to appear tough on the gambling industry instead of appropriate data evidencing how the policy will reduce gambling harms – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/policy-applause-duncan-garvie-tnmdc/?trackingId=V8XrbaUoQ4mBKGZlNErBlw%3D%3D

Record Industry Contributions, But Gambling Support Charities Fighting For Survival

Record Industry Contributions, But Gambling Support Charities Fighting For Survival

An article published in the first half of 2023 discussing the challenges that harm minimisation charities were experiencing accessing funding in the UK – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/record-industry-contributions-gambling-support-charities-garvie/?trackingId=V8XrbaUoQ4mBKGZlNErBlw%3D%3D